Public Attributes | List of all members
file_header Struct Reference

#include <geos_types.h>

Public Attributes

uint8_t icon_width
uint8_t icon_height
uint8_t icon_data_type
uint8_t icon_pic [63]
uint8_t dos_file_type
geos_file_type_t geos_file_type
file_structure_t file_structure
uint16_t file_start
uint16_t file_end
uint16_t init_prog
char file_name [19]
uint8_t c128_flags
char par_disk_or_author [20]
char par_application [20]
char application_use [23]
char notes [96]

Member Data Documentation

◆ application_use

char file_header::application_use[23]

If data file, 20 bytes parent application filename. Byte 0-11=name padded with spaces; 12-15=version string "V1.3"; 16-20 = 0's

◆ c128_flags

uint8_t file_header::c128_flags

19 bytes ASCII application filename. Byte 0-11 = the name padded with spaces; 12-15=version string "V1.3"; 16-20 = 0's

◆ dos_file_type

uint8_t file_header::dos_file_type

Bitmap data in sprite format

◆ file_end

uint16_t file_header::file_end

Start address in memory for loading the program

◆ file_name

char file_header::file_name[19]

Address pf initialization routine to call after loading the program

◆ file_start

uint16_t file_header::file_start


◆ file_structure

file_structure_t file_header::file_structure

1 - 15

◆ geos_file_type

geos_file_type_t file_header::geos_file_type

0x80 + dos_file_type_t, bit 6 = 1 Write Protect

◆ icon_data_type

uint8_t file_header::icon_data_type

Height of icon in pixels, always 21

◆ icon_height

uint8_t file_header::icon_height

Width of icon in bytes, always 3

◆ icon_pic

uint8_t file_header::icon_pic[63]

Always 0x80 + 63

◆ icon_width

uint8_t file_header::icon_width

◆ init_prog

uint16_t file_header::init_prog

End address in memory for loading the program

◆ notes

char file_header::notes[96]

23 bytes for application use

◆ par_application

char file_header::par_application[20]

If data file, 20 bytes ASCII filename of parent's application disk. if application program, holds name of software desginer.

◆ par_disk_or_author

char file_header::par_disk_or_author[20]

1 byte, flags to indicate if this program will run under the C128 OS in 40 column and in 80 column. These flags are valid for applications, desk accessories, and auto-exec files. Bit 7: zero if runs in 40 column. Bit 6: one if runs in 80 column.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: