geos_symbols.h File Reference
#include "geos_types.h"
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volatile uint8_t CPU_DDR
volatile uint8_t CPU_DATA
uint8_t STATUS
uint8_t curDevice
uint8_t * zpage
uint16_t curPattern
uint8_t * string
uint8_t baselineOffset
uint16_t curSetWidth
uint8_t curHeight
uint16_t curIndexTable []
uint8_t * cardDataPntr
uint8_t currentMode
uint8_t dispBufferOn
uint8_t mouseOn
uint8_t * msePicPtr
uint8_t windowTop
uint8_t windowBottom
uint16_t leftMargin
uint16_t rightMargin
uint8_t pressFlag
uint16_t mouseXPos
uint8_t mouseYPos
uint8_t * returnAddress
uint8_t graphMode
uint8_t TURBO_DD00
uint8_t TURBO_DD00_CPY
vector bkvec
vector nmivec
vector kernalVectors
disk_block_t diskBlkBuf
file_header_t fileHeader
dir_header_t curDirHead
file_tr_se_tab_t fileTrScTab
dir_entry_t dirEntryBuf
disk_name_t DrACurDkNm
disk_name_t DrBCurDkNm
file_name_t dataFileName
disk_name_t dataDiskName
prt_drv_name_t PrntFilename
disk_name_t PrntDiskName
uint8_t curDrive
uint8_t diskOpenFlg
uint8_t isGEOS
uint8_t interleave
uint8_t numDrives
uint8_t driveType
uint8_t turboFlags
uint8_t curRecord
uint8_t usedRecords
uint8_t fileWritten
uint16_t fileSize
vector appMain
vector intTopVector
vector intBotVector
vector mouseVector
vector keyVector
vector inputVector
vector mouseFaultVec
vector otherPressVec
vector StringFaultVec
vector alarmTmtVector
vector BRKVector
vector RecoverVector
uint8_t selectionFlash
uint8_t alphaFlag
uint8_t iconSelFlg
uint8_t faultData
uint8_t menuNumber
uint8_t mouseTop
uint8_t mouseBottom
uint16_t mouseLeft
uint16_t mouseRight
uint16_t stringX
uint8_t stringY
uint8_t * mousePicData
uint8_t maxMouseSpeed
uint8_t minMouseSpeed
uint8_t mouseAccel
uint8_t keyData
uint8_t mouseData
uint8_t inputData
uint8_t mouseSpeed
volatile uint16_t random
uint8_t * saveFontTab
uint8_t dblClickCount
uint8_t year
uint8_t month
uint8_t day
uint8_t hour
uint8_t minutes
uint8_t seconds
uint8_t alarmSetFlag
uint8_t sysDBData
uint8_t screencolors
uint8_t * dlgBoxRamBuf
uint8_t savedmoby2
uint8_t scr80polar
uint8_t scr80colors
uint8_t vdcClrMode
uint8_t driveData [4]
uint8_t ramExpSize
uint8_t sysRAMFlg
uint8_t firstBoot
uint8_t curType
uint8_t * ramBase
file_name_t inputDevName
disk_name_t DrCCurDkNm
disk_name_t DrDCurDkNm
dir_header_t dir2Head
uint8_t sprpic [8][64]
uint8_t * objPointer [8]
char * bootName
uint8_t version
uint8_t nationality
uint8_t sysFlgCopy
uint8_t * dateCopy
mobpos_t mobpos [8]
uint8_t msbxpos
uint8_t grcntrl1
uint8_t rasreg
uint8_t lpxpos
uint8_t lpypos
uint8_t mobenble
uint8_t grcntrl2
uint8_t moby2
uint8_t grmemptr
uint8_t grirq
uint8_t grirqen
uint8_t mobprior
uint8_t mobmcm
uint8_t mobx2
uint8_t mobmobcol
uint8_t mobbakcol
uint8_t extclr
uint8_t bakclr [4]
uint8_t mcmclr0 [2]
uint8_t mobclr [8]
uint8_t keyreg
uint8_t clkreg

Variable Documentation

◆ alarmSetFlag

uint8_t alarmSetFlag

◆ alarmTmtVector

vector alarmTmtVector

vector for when character is written over right margin

◆ alphaFlag

uint8_t alphaFlag

speed at which menu items and icons are flashed

◆ appMain

vector appMain

current size (in blocks) of file. This is pulled in from & written to directory entry The following variables are saved by GEOS during dialog boxes and desk accessories

◆ bakclr

uint8_t bakclr[4]

exterior (border) color

◆ baselineOffset

uint8_t baselineOffset

◆ bkvec

vector bkvec

free for use by application

◆ bootName

char* bootName

Addresses of pointers to sprite object graphics

◆ BRKVector

vector BRKVector

address of a service routine for the alarm clock time-out (ringing, graphic, etc.) that the App. can use if necessary. Normally 0.

◆ cardDataPntr

uint8_t* cardDataPntr

Size of each card in bytes

◆ clkreg

uint8_t clkreg


volatile uint8_t CPU_DATA


volatile uint8_t CPU_DDR

◆ curDevice

uint8_t curDevice

◆ curDirHead

dir_header_t curDirHead

block used to hold file head block for a GEOS file.

◆ curDrive

uint8_t curDrive

Disk that current printer driver resides on disk name plus terminator byte

◆ curHeight

uint8_t curHeight

Card with in pixels

◆ curIndexTable

uint16_t curIndexTable[]

Card height in pixels

◆ curPattern

uint16_t curPattern

The following variables are saved by GEOS during dialog boxes and desk accessories

◆ curRecord

uint8_t curRecord

Turbo stat flages for drives 8,9,10, and 11 Variables kept current for a specific opened file of structure type VLIR

◆ currentMode

uint8_t currentMode

Pointer to the actual card graphics data

◆ curSetWidth

uint16_t curSetWidth

Offset from top line to baseline in character set

◆ curType

uint8_t curType

This flag is changed from 0 to 0xff after deskTop comes up for the first time after booting

◆ dataDiskName

disk_name_t dataDiskName

Name of data file (passed to application)

◆ dataFileName

file_name_t dataFileName

Disk name of disk in drive B 18 char disk name (padded with 0xa0)

◆ dateCopy

uint8_t* dateCopy

copy of sysRAMFlg saved here when going to BASIC

◆ day

uint8_t day

◆ dblClickCount

uint8_t dblClickCount

when going into menus, save user active font table here

◆ dir2Head

dir_header_t dir2Head

Disk name of disk in drive D 18 char disk name (padded with 0xa0)

◆ dirEntryBuf

dir_entry_t dirEntryBuf

buffer used to hold track and sector chain for a file of maximum size 32258 bytes

◆ diskBlkBuf

disk_block_t diskBlkBuf

location of kernal vectors Start of GEOS system RAM

◆ diskOpenFlg

uint8_t diskOpenFlg

currently active disk drive (8, 9, 10 or 11)

◆ dispBufferOn

uint8_t dispBufferOn

Current underline, italc and reverse flags

◆ dlgBoxRamBuf

uint8_t* dlgBoxRamBuf

default screen colors

◆ DrACurDkNm

disk_name_t DrACurDkNm

buffer user to build a directory entry

◆ DrBCurDkNm

disk_name_t DrBCurDkNm

Disk name of disk in drive A 18 char disk name (padded with 0xa0)

◆ DrCCurDkNm

disk_name_t DrCCurDkNm

Holds name of current input device

◆ DrDCurDkNm

disk_name_t DrDCurDkNm

Disk name of disk in drive C 18 char disk name (padded with 0xa0)

◆ driveData

uint8_t driveData[4]

Holds current color mode for C128 color rtns

◆ driveType

uint8_t driveType

of drives running on the system

◆ extclr

uint8_t extclr

object to background collision register

◆ faultData

uint8_t faultData

indicates how to flash icons when selected

◆ fileHeader

file_header_t fileHeader

general disk block buffer

◆ fileSize

uint16_t fileSize

flag indicating if file has been written to since last update of index Tab & BAM

◆ fileTrScTab

file_tr_se_tab_t fileTrScTab

block contains directory header information for disk in currently selected drive.

◆ fileWritten

uint8_t fileWritten

number of records in open file

◆ firstBoot

uint8_t firstBoot

◆ graphMode

uint8_t graphMode

address to return from in-line call

◆ grcntrl1

uint8_t grcntrl1

◆ grcntrl2

uint8_t grcntrl2

moving object enable bits

◆ grirq

uint8_t grirq

graphics memory pointer VM13-VM10|CB13-CB11

◆ grirqen

uint8_t grirqen

graphics chip interrupt register

◆ grmemptr

uint8_t grmemptr

double object size in y

◆ hour

uint8_t hour

◆ iconSelFlg

uint8_t iconSelFlg

flag for alphanumeric input

◆ inputData

uint8_t inputData

This is where mouse service routines should look

◆ inputDevName

file_name_t inputDevName

RAM bank for each disk drive to use if drive type is RAM disk or Shadowed Drive.

◆ inputVector

vector inputVector

routine to call on key press

◆ intBotVector

vector intBotVector

Called at the top of OS interrupt code to allow application programs to have interrupt level routines

◆ interleave

uint8_t interleave

indicates if current disk is a GEOS disk

◆ intTopVector

vector intTopVector

Applications main loop code. Allows apps to include their own main loop at the end of OS main loop



reset vector location

◆ isGEOS

uint8_t isGEOS

indicates if a disk is currently open

◆ kernalVectors

vector kernalVectors

nmi vector

◆ keyData

uint8_t keyData

acceleration of mouse

◆ keyreg

uint8_t keyreg

object color

◆ keyVector

vector keyVector

routine to call on mouse press

◆ leftMargin

uint16_t leftMargin

bottom line of window for text clipping

◆ lpxpos

uint8_t lpxpos

raster register

◆ lpypos

uint8_t lpypos

light pen x position

◆ maxMouseSpeed

uint8_t maxMouseSpeed

ram array for mouse picture data

◆ mcmclr0

uint8_t mcmclr0[2]

background #0 color

◆ menuNumber

uint8_t menuNumber

Bit flags for mouse faults

◆ minMouseSpeed

uint8_t minMouseSpeed

maximum speed for mouse

◆ minutes

uint8_t minutes

◆ mobbakcol

uint8_t mobbakcol

object to object collision register

◆ mobclr

uint8_t mobclr[8]

multi color mode color 0

◆ mobenble

uint8_t mobenble

light pen y position

◆ mobmcm

uint8_t mobmcm

moving object to background priority

◆ mobmobcol

uint8_t mobmobcol

double object size in x

◆ mobpos

copy of year, month, day

◆ mobprior

uint8_t mobprior

graphics chip interrupt enable register

◆ mobx2

uint8_t mobx2

moving object multi-color mode select

◆ moby2

uint8_t moby2

graphics control register #2

◆ month

uint8_t month

◆ mouseAccel

uint8_t mouseAccel

minimum speed for mouse

◆ mouseBottom

uint8_t mouseBottom

top most position for mouse

◆ mouseData

uint8_t mouseData

This is where key service routines should look

◆ mouseFaultVec

vector mouseFaultVec

routine to call on device change

◆ mouseLeft

uint16_t mouseLeft

bottom most position for mouse

◆ mouseOn

uint8_t mouseOn

bit 7 controls writes to FG screen bit 6 controls writes to background screen

◆ mousePicData

uint8_t* mousePicData

Y position for string input End of variables saved during DB's and DA's

◆ mouseRight

uint16_t mouseRight

left most position for mouse

◆ mouseSpeed

uint8_t mouseSpeed

This is where input drivers pass device specific info to applications that want it

◆ mouseTop

uint8_t mouseTop

of currently working menu

◆ mouseVector

vector mouseVector

Called at the bottom of OS interrupt code

◆ mouseXPos

uint16_t mouseXPos

Flag indicating that a new key has been pressed

◆ mouseYPos

uint8_t mouseYPos

x position of mouse

◆ msbxpos

uint8_t msbxpos

◆ msePicPtr

uint8_t* msePicPtr

flag indicating that the mouse mode is on

◆ nationality

uint8_t nationality

GEOS version byte



◆ nmivec

vector nmivec

break ins vector

◆ numDrives

uint8_t numDrives

BlkAlloc uses the value here as the desired interleave when selecting free blocks

◆ objPointer

uint8_t* objPointer[8]

Addresses of specific sprite picture data

◆ otherPressVec

vector otherPressVec

routine to call when mouse goes outside region or off a menu

◆ pressFlag

uint8_t pressFlag

rightmost point for writing characters. When crossed, call mode through StringFaultVector End of variables saved during DB's and DA's

◆ PrntDiskName

disk_name_t PrntDiskName

Name of current printer driver 16 byte filename, 1 byte terminator

◆ PrntFilename

prt_drv_name_t PrntFilename

Disk that data file is on

◆ ramBase

uint8_t* ramBase

Current disk type (copied from diskType)

◆ ramExpSize

uint8_t ramExpSize

1 byte each reserved for disk drives about each device (each driver may use differently)

◆ random

volatile uint16_t random

◆ rasreg

uint8_t rasreg

graphics control register #1

◆ RecoverVector

vector RecoverVector

routine called when BRK encountered



nmi vector location

◆ returnAddress

uint8_t* returnAddress

y position of mouse

◆ rightMargin

uint16_t rightMargin

leftmost point for writing characters. CR will return to this point

◆ savedmoby2

uint8_t savedmoby2

buffer to hold variables while DB or DA is running (to 0x8697) Second global memory area

◆ saveFontTab

uint8_t* saveFontTab

random number, incremented each interrupt

◆ scr80colors

uint8_t scr80colors

Copy of reg 24 in VDC for C128

◆ scr80polar

uint8_t scr80polar

Saved value of moby2 for context saving done in dlg boxes & desk accessories. Left out of original GEOS save code, put here so we don't screw up desk accessories, etc. that know the size of TOT_SRAM_SAVED above

◆ screencolors

uint8_t screencolors

used internally to indicate which command caused a return to the application (in dialog boxes). Actual data is returned in r0L.

◆ seconds

uint8_t seconds

◆ selectionFlash

uint8_t selectionFlash

routine called to recover background behind menus and dialog boxes

◆ sprpic

uint8_t sprpic[8][64]

2nd directory header block, for larger disk capacity drives (such as 1571)


uint8_t STATUS

◆ string

uint8_t* string

pointer to current pattern

◆ StringFaultVec

vector StringFaultVec

routine to call on mouse press that is not a menu or an icon

◆ stringX

uint16_t stringX

right most position for mouse Global variables for string input and prompt manipulation

◆ stringY

uint8_t stringY

X position for string input

◆ sysDBData

uint8_t sysDBData

TRUE if the alarm is set for geos to monitor dialog box variables

◆ sysFlgCopy

uint8_t sysFlgCopy

nationality byte

◆ sysRAMFlg

uint8_t sysRAMFlg


uint8_t TURBO_DD00


uint8_t TURBO_DD00_CPY

from 1541 turbo

◆ turboFlags

uint8_t turboFlags

Disk Drive types: 1 byte drive type for each of drives 8,9,10,11

◆ usedRecords

uint8_t usedRecords

current record #

◆ vdcClrMode

uint8_t vdcClrMode

Screen colors for 80 column mode on C128. Copy of reg 24 in VDC for C128.

◆ version

uint8_t version

start of "GEOS BOOT" string

◆ windowBottom

uint8_t windowBottom

top line of window for text clipping

◆ windowTop

uint8_t windowTop

pointer to mouse graphic data

◆ year

uint8_t year

used to determine double clicks on icons

◆ zpage

uint8_t* zpage

zero page variable definitions: